Last Updated on April 11, 2022 by TWP Help
TWP with Wet on Wet Application Tips
TWP Stains are to be applied “Wet on Wet” when the wood is absorbent enough to handle more than 1 coat of the stain. This is typically for wood and decking that is older than 12 months and has been exposed to the elements. Applying the TWP “wet on wet” is similar to applying 1.5 coats of stain. The second coat covers twice as much square footage as the first coat.
Applying TWP “wet on wet” is very easy and not complicated once you understand the simple steps.
How To Apply TWP Wood Stains “Wet On Wet” to a Deck:
- Apply the TWP to the verticals first. This would include the railings, benches, and any vertical walls.
- Lightly apply one coat of stain to the horizontal flooring. Apply to the entire floor surface. If your deck has multiple levels, do one level at a time before moving to the next level.
- Wearing shoes that are disposable, walk back onto the “wet” stain and reapply another coat to the “tops” of and railings, walls, and benches. You may walk on your first coat of stain 10 minutes after finishing.
- Apply your second coat of stain to the horizontal flooring. Take care to not step in or leave footprints in your second coat!
- Finish stairs last, repeating the above steps.
TWP Staining Tips
- Do not apply 2 coats of stain to new wood or decking or to recently sanded wood that was sanded finer than 60-80 grit as the TWP stain may not be able to fully absorb into the wood.
- In most cases, a second coat only needs to be applied to horizontals as the verticals will last twice as long.
- Apply your second coat of stain within 10-60 minutes of the first coat.
- Watching for puddling on the floor. This usually happens under railings and benches.
- Wear shoes and clothes that are disposable. Do not wear shoes that have black soft rubber soles. The TWP can “soften” these soles, leaving black residue marks on your deck if you step in the stain.
- TWP Wood Stains can be applied with a stain pad, brush, roller, or sprayer.
If You Need any Help, Please Ask Below!
I only applied one coat on my horizontal. That was 3weeks ago. Can I still apply a second coat?
Not now. Best to do another coat in the Spring of next year.
I just built some red cedar columns for our front porch. How long should I wait before applying the two 1500?
See here about new wood: https://twpstainhelp.com/prepping-new-wood-for-twp-stains/
How long can I wait between strip/brighten and stain?
About 2 weeks is max.
After 2 weeks, clean and brighten again or just brighten?
Brighten and rinse well.
I think I read here that if there is stain sitting on top the wood after the second coat that I should wipe it off with stain rags. When should I do that, immediately or after some time period?
After 30-60 minutes. You must saturate all oil rags in water and lay flat to dry outside.
Is it OK by then to walk on it to do the wiping?
You would have to wipe off any footprints as well.
What are the outdoor temperature requirements for applying TWP100 ?
50-90 degrees.
I have a three year old pine deck. TWP 103 was applied by the builder a couple of months after the deck was finished. The finish on the stairs and railings that are exposed to the sun has faded or mostly gone away and the wood has greyed. The base floor which is under the over hang roof has not faded. Can I just use the Restore a Deck Cleaner on the faded areas to clean and put down the new TWP 103? Can the un-faded areas also be just cleaned and re-stained over existing stain with the TWP 103? Thanks.
You need to prep all the same way and then apply a coating to all: https://www.twpstain.com/gemini-s-restore-a-deck-cleaner-and-brightener-kit
Zbyszek Chicago Ihave my deck stain 3 year ago with TWP and I plan to do this again so I powerwash an use strip and brighten kit when I was waiting 48 hours to dry weather was changed and rain came for 2 days so what is my next move , wait when everything dry again and stain or I need to do something else before staining
Just wait 48 hours for the deck to dry.
I applied second coat after first has dried (I did not follow directions). It has been 3 dry and it is leaving an oily residue. Any suggestions to help correct my lack of ready instructions?
See here: https://twpstainhelp.com/twp-stain-is-spotty-or-shiny/
My local big box shook up my 5 gallon can of TWP 100 Cedartone for me. Will that be good for 2 or 3 days? How often does it need to be stirred again?
Stir every few hours when applying.
What is the difference between TWP 1500 and TWP 200?
Is TWP 200 oil-based?
What are the appearance outcome differences? i.e. when would I use one vs. the other?
Both are oil-based. Both look the same once cured.
Do you need 2 coats of the Cap Cod Grey?
One should be enough.
Several areas are uneven as the wet on wet dried quickly in 90s temp when brushing in after rolling on. Some spots are glossy where others look matte. Should we 2nd coat the horizontal matte floor boards so it is even or wait 6 months to 2nd coat?
We used 116 Rustic on a 2 yr old tint treated never stained deck.
Prep: We cleaned/brightened all-in-one. Rain. 48 hours later sanded and brightened.
Application: 48 hours later wet on wet to most of the rails (except for missed parts when too dark). Next day last rail section, floor but rain came. Method: roller, then brushed in as twp video demonstrated.
Steps and last 1/3 floor only had 3 hours to dry. Water beaded nicely during first rain that day and no film has been observed. If so, did the first coat dry enough?
Love the color and product but wish weather would give us a break to get even results after so much labor invested.
It is probably fine. Leave as is until it fully dries and cures.
The same thing happened to us and now the shiny spots look like muddy footprints – like the second coat is shriveling up. It’s been a month. Any suggestions? Is this something I need to try to take some mineral spirits to?
Yes, try this.
Do you have any distributors for the TWP 100 Series Stain in SW Michigan or Northern Indiana? I would like to use your stain for my deck in Michigan.
We are located at:
The Sealer Store
2388 Franklin Rd
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302
If I have sanded my deck and then used a product to brighten the deck, would I need to use 2 coats of TWP 100 or can I get by with 1 coat? If I needed to stain again in 2-3 years due to fading, would I have to sand the deck again or could I use the same TWP 100 color stain over the previous stain? Could you explain “ wet on wet “ staining again. Thank you for your time and expertise
Please see previous question with corrected email
1 coat should work. Clean and brighten when time to redo, you do not have to sand. Wet on wet is above in the article but you are only doing one coat.
I missed the wet on wet window. Now the first coat is dry. Can I apply a second coat 2 days later? The first coat was absorbed pretty quickly since the wood (2 years old) was as pretty dry after the power washing (see before/after picture). My goal is to not have to stain again for a few more years and if another coat gives me another year or two I would do it…
No, just do the one coat now and another coat in Fall or Spring after light cleaning to remove dirt.
Sanded some kiln dried pressure treated decking with 80grit, applied one coat of 1500 rustic stain and it looks like it is not consistent across the boards. Recommendation is to not apply a second coat. Anyway to make the stain smooth out?
Also, wood likes very orange vs orange-red/brown, maybe due to the new bright wood. Assuming this will darken over time?
Was this new wood and did you season and prep it with the Gemini Restore Kit? You cannot stain brand new wood, even KDAT: https://twpstainhelp.com/kdat-and-twp-wait-period-for-new-wood/
There is not a way to even it out at this point outside of removing and starting over.
Thanks, appreciate the help. New KDAT and was told by lumber yard to stain it right away and that I did not need to use cleaner IF I was sanding to fix blemishes/stamp marks (wish I saw this site first).
Do you recommend stripping and starting over or should I let it be, weather, and apply a new coat come fall? I can live with the uneven color for the time being as long as it doesnt jeopardize the wood and as long as a future coat will help even it out
They were wrong. Strip it all off now, let it weather for 1-2 months, clean and brighten for prep before applying the TWP.
My cedar deck is about 15 years old. Five years ago we stripped the old, cheap stain off (not TWP) and used TWP 100 Cedartone. It’s now ready for another coat. If we just pressure wash it well, is it really necessary to use the recommended cleaner before recoating? What will it look like if we don’t use the cleaner?
Yes, you need to prep kit: https://www.twpstain.com/gemini-s-restore-a-deck-cleaner-and-brightener-kit
This ensure proper adhesion and appearance.
My home is 5 years old. The builder applied TWP1504-1 – Black Walnut to our stairs and screened in porch. I was able to power wash the stairs and railing but cannot powerwash the screened porch due to it’s height (but I can re-stain it). The power washed area is lighter than the porch. Can I apply this same stain directly to both areas and come up with something that looks good?
You do have to prep before recoating. At least do a rinse off as best as you can.
This is a follow up to your reply. Not sure if I can reply to your reply lol.
Ok so I don’t have to do wet on wet ? I can go over a dried coat with a darker color ? I will show you a picture. The cedar and honey are very hard to tell apart. But if you look hard enough. You can tell. So I think maybe the pecan will be the variance I need. I tried dark oak and it was much too dark for me. So dark you couldn’t see the black rail fittings on each end of the rail.
Pecan is not much darker than Cedartone. You should be okay to apply another coat since it is vertical wood.
Is there a color between pecan and dark oak?
No, but you can mix colors.
That’s what I’m trying now. I did a 50/50 cedar and dark oak. And still slightly too bright so I’m trying a 2/3 cedar oak.
H1 I’ve sanded and brightened a 5yr old cedar deck .I’m using TWP200 series . Question is ! coat of stain or 2 ?
1 coat.
I got the cedar tone color to do my posts and rails. And then honey tone for my pickets. I winter to do a cool two tone look. Unfortunately. With the variance of wood grain color. The different in cole is not great enough to even tell at all. With the exception of some posts are darker with the cedar tone because they were darker to start with.
So I am thinking of doing pecan and honey tone instead. My question is. Am I able to do a dry in wet application. Rather could go over some of these lighter posts and rails already stained with cedar, and do a second coat but use pecan ? Or is this not possible. ? Kind of a bummer they don’t really differ that much. If I have to start with fresh wood. I’m just gonna continue as is.
You will not get that much a variance with the Pecan. It would have to be Dark Oak to be able to tell. You could go over the rails with the darker color.
Ok so I don’t have to do wet on wet ? I can go over a dried coat with a darker color ? I will show you a picture. The cedar and honey are very hard to tell apart. But if you look hard enough. You can tell. So I think maybe the pecan will be the variance I need. I tried dark oak and it was much too dark for me. So dark you couldn’t see the black rail fittings on each end of the rail.
I applied TWP 2 years ago and it’s still doing great, though fading a little. If I want to keep it up can I apply a new coat over the top if I clean it? Or do I need to strip it back down to bare wood?
Edit: nevermind I found the maintaining article.
I getting ready to apply TWP 105 Cape Cod Gray, I saw a video that stated only apply one coat of this color is this correct? Should I apply a heavier coating to accomplish this? What happens if a apply a second coat?
Just one coat and not a heavy coat.
Hello! I have a cedar deck that is a dozen years old and has been a few different colors over the years, with the last color 5 yrs ago being a dark grey. I chem stripped the old floor finish off & brightened & powerwashed. Despite the cleaned wood being dark & patchy in appearance (see pic), it’s actually very clean and is practically bare wood again. I’m using TWP 1503 Dark Oak for the new finish. Should I do just one coat, or the wet-on-wet 2 coats? I want good color coverage over the uneven tones in the cleaned cedar.
I’m going to need to replace a few boards of horizontal floor decking.
Can I go ahead and stain everything (new & old), then go back and add a coat to the new wood 4-12 months later,
should I skip the staining of the new boards when I stain the floor and wait the 4-12 months and then stain the new-wood boards? If I do that, won’t I need to redo the whole deck because it won’t match?
Or, should I just wait 4-12 months with my completely sanded, new-looking old-wood boards that have a few new-wood boards mixed in?
The last.
Now same questions for TWP 1500 (sorry)
The deck is many years old.
I sanded down the deck flooring to bare wood so it looks new (due to failure of previous product)
What is the prep for TWP 1500?
For TWP 100 you said this:
[Prep with this: https://www.twpstain.com/gemini-s-restore-a-deck-cleaner-and-brightener-kit
Just one coat of stain.]
Would my prep for TWP 1500 be the same?
Do I only need one coat? (ie: I won’t need to do the wet-on-wet second coat?)
Same prep and one coat since you sanded.
Is TWP 100 VOP legal in Illinois?
No. Use the TWP 1500 Series.
I live in Oregon. Just had new cedar deck put in last week. The deck sets within the shade of some large trees that surround the house. The only time this deck will get any sun will be late in the afternoon. In the fall we get a lot of rain.
My question is, what timeline do you recommend for using TWP 100 on this new deck? Since there will be little sun on the deck during the summer, would it be best to let the wood sesaon for 12 months and then stain next summer or, do you recommend I stain early this fall?
Thank you
See here: https://twpstainhelp.com/prepping-new-wood-for-twp-stains/
Will TWP 100 work on wood filler like PC Woody?
No, wood filler will not work on decks or exterior wood.
I had to remove old product by completely sanding the deck floor.
What kind of prep for wood that’s completely sanded and looks new?
Prep with this: https://www.twpstain.com/gemini-s-restore-a-deck-cleaner-and-brightener-kit
Just one coat of stain.
how much coverage per gallon of twp 100?
150-250 sq feet per gallon.
I have a 25 year old 550sqft deck in good condition, cleaned and prepped of past TWP 1500, for fresh TWP 1500 application. I would like to use a sprayer and pad to minimize the work with an “old” back of using a pad alone.
What is the best application technique using a Chapin sprayer and pad?
Spray and then back pad right away to ensure it is applied evenly.
I have a 24’ x 8’ PT pine deck that is 7yrs old that was stained with TWP 1520 when it was new. Should I use the RAD stripper or the Gemini cleaner?
Gemini Kit.
I want to stain my new PT deck which has weathered for 9 months, your grey stain…but I just read on another post that all the stains are semi-transparent but the greys…….is the grey stain a solid stain, then? or translucent? If solid, I read somewhere that solid stain will peel over time……I’m wanting the grey because I have a grey paver patio next to the deck. Please advise! Thank you
The grays are semi-solids and they are penetrating stains. Just one coat.
Can a newly stained (oil base) deck be stripped and clean to accept two 1500? Deck had been finished with another brand, but a finding the color to be not acceptable. Ordered your samples and even the one out of four that was darker than what we are looking for, was tens times a real wood color compare to what I had put down. Deck material is pressure treated pine.
That would vary based on the stain brand name and type of stain? Send a picture as well.
Cabot semi transparent Frontier
Added pic with twp sample
Use the RAD Stripper Kit with both of the additives: https://www.twpstain.com/restore-a-deck-stripper-brightener-kit-detail
Seems that I can use either TWP 100 or TWP 1500. Zip code 22556. Which product would be recommended around a pool?
Use the TWP 100 Series.
Applied Pecan 120 to my deck and some splatter got on the side of the house (masonite w/ Sherman Williams Acrylic Latex Superpaint). What’s the best way to remove stain?
Try a water-based graffiti remover. Do a test spot first.
I lightly stained my fence with only one coat of 1530 natural , started late and ran out of daylight. Now we have had some rain showers. When it clears up and the fence is totally dry can I re apply a second coat. I know it is wet on dry but because my first coat was light I am wondering if it would soak in some more? Or should I wait until next year and stain again. And if I do , do I have to strip back down with cleaner and brightener, or just wash and re apply? Thanks.
Wait until Fall or Spring of next year. Lightly wash with water and then apply another coat.
Thank you so much for the information and the quick response. You all stay safe.
I have used RAD stripper and brightener on an old deck and it has worked beautifully. However, the delivery of the 1500 stain has been delayed and it will not be possible to apply the stain within 14 days of the brightener. After receiving the stain should I use the brightener again and wait 48 hours to dry before applying the stain?
Yes, correct.
Does it have to be a certain temperature to apply the stain?
50-90 degrees.
what is the difference in 100 from 1500 been using the 100 but would like to know the difference
TWP 100 is not VOC compliant in all states while the 1500 is.
I am installing new knotty cedar decking that i plan on staining with the Series 100 Cedartone. I’m confused as to when and how to apply this stain and what prep is needed for new cedar. The deck is about 500 ft2 including new steps.
See here about new wood: https://twpstainhelp.com/prepping-new-wood-for-twp-stains/
We have a covered cedar porch that is about 2.5 years old that has not been stained. The stairs and railings that are not covered had to be replaced and are only about 9 months old. I was planning on cleaning and brightening everything and then staining. Should I do the wet on wet application for the covered portions that are older and just do a single coating for the newer stairs and railings?
Yes, that is correct.
What is the difference between the series 100 and the 1500 series stains?
Can I apply bee wax regularly after wood has been stained with TWP 100 ?
I have applied the wet on wet 100 TWP application to a deck that is two years old. It was fully prepped properly and temperature is over 50 and not raining. However, it is taking longer to dry and there are shiny spots to most of the deck.
I’m going on 24 hours now, should I just continue to let it dry over the next couple days? Will it eventually completely dry? I’m reading now that I probably applied too much stain. Thank you.
See here for tips: https://twpstainhelp.com/twp-stain-is-spotty-or-shiny/
deck is treated pine and was oil stained 5 years ago do i need to strip or sand the deck as it looks like very little if any stain left. thanks for your help
Strip and brighten.
Hello! A couple of questions:
1) We’re staining a new deck reconstruction that’s weathered for a full year. So do we just do the cleaning/brightening, and then just follow the wet-on-wet staining process? We’re using 1530 stain.
2) The guy who started our project 6 months ago was really sloppy and there is overspray and a little wipe-off on the deck floor from when he was spraying stain on the railing. If we’re doing the wet-on-wet process on the deck floor, will this be enough to cover up that light overspray? (photos attached)
Thank you!
1, Yes, correct.
2, You should be fine.
I tried to find answer in previous posts. There are just so many to read through. I built a large deck nearly 2-years ago here in Florida. I used your 100 stain nearly 1-year ago after wood had dried.
I read somewhere here, to stain after the wood had dried (did that last year with your 100 stain). Then, to re-stain after 1-year, then every 2-3 years thereafter.
So…. I believe that I am ready for the second re-stain now (please correct me if I am wrong). But, you state benefits of your 1500 over 100. Can or should I apply 1500 over the 100 that I applied last year? Or should I stay with the 100 that I have already used?
Stay with the 100. See here for tips on new wood: https://twpstainhelp.com/prepping-new-wood-for-twp-stains/
I live in South Carolina. I’d prefer to use a semi-transparent stain. What stain colors are semi-transparent in the TWP 100 series.
All of them are beside the grays.
I’m going to clear stain #1red cedar siding shingles. They are 5years old and have not been recoated since installation. They came from factory with an oil coating of Cedartone which I believe is now a Sherwin Williams product. Can you send me a data/cut sheet on the equivalent TWP product (I suspect it will be TWP 100)
Thank you
The TWP cannot be applied over a stain of a different brand. You would have to remove the current coating first.
1) Can TWP 1500 be applied with a pump-up garden sprayer? 2) How much is needed for a gate approximately 5ft X 4Ft?
1. Yes, it can.
2. 1 gallon