TWP Stain Wet on Wet Application

by TWP Help

Last Updated on April 11, 2022 by TWP Help

TWP with Wet on Wet Application Tips

TWP Stains are to be applied “Wet on Wet” when the wood is absorbent enough to handle more than 1 coat of the stain. This is typically for wood and decking that is older than 12 months and has been exposed to the elements. Applying the TWP “wet on wet” is similar to applying 1.5 coats of stain. The second coat covers twice as much square footage as the first coat.

Applying TWP “wet on wet” is very easy and not complicated once you understand the simple steps.

How To Apply TWP Wood Stains “Wet On Wet” to a Deck:

  1. Apply the TWP to the verticals first. This would include the railings, benches, and any vertical walls.
  2. Lightly apply one coat of stain to the horizontal flooring. Apply to the entire floor surface. If your deck has multiple levels, do one level at a time before moving to the next level.
  3. Wearing shoes that are disposable, walk back onto the “wet” stain and reapply another coat to the “tops” of and railings, walls, and benches. You may walk on your first coat of stain 10 minutes after finishing.
  4. Apply your second coat of stain to the horizontal flooring. Take care to not step in or leave footprints in your second coat!
  5. Finish stairs last, repeating the above steps.

TWP Staining Tips

  • Do not apply 2 coats of stain to new wood or decking or to recently sanded wood that was sanded finer than 60-80 grit as the TWP stain may not be able to fully absorb into the wood.
  • In most cases, a second coat only needs to be applied to horizontals as the verticals will last twice as long.
  • Apply your second coat of stain within 10-60 minutes of the first coat.
  • Watching for puddling on the floor. This usually happens under railings and benches.
  • Wear shoes and clothes that are disposable. Do not wear shoes that have black soft rubber soles. The TWP can “soften” these soles, leaving black residue marks on your deck if you step in the stain.
  • TWP Wood Stains can be applied with a stain pad, brush, roller, or sprayer.

If You Need any Help, Please Ask Below!


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4 years ago

We had Deck Over on a large deck (ugh!). After repeated attempts to remove, we’ve decided to uninstall / flip over / reinstall the boards as they are in good shape. There is only some discoloration of the boards from where they rested on the support pieces. I presume cleaner/brightener is the first step. After that do we do one or two coats of TWP 1000? And do we do all of this as soon as we get all of the boards re-installed? We live near Seattle so trying to figure out how many days without rain we need in the forecast to get it all done (nearly 1000 square feet). Thank you!!

4 years ago

Thanks for the informative site. My question is I am getting ready to stain 1st quality pressure-treated pine louvers that I had made one and a half years ago. They were left to air dry on my house in the raw wood state. Pic is attached. I am going to clean them with your Gemini 2 step restore cleaner and then stain using the 1503 Dark Oak. After the wood is totally cleaned and dried, how many coats will the wood require? Thank you in advance for your response.

Roland H Bourque
4 years ago

On a new pressure treated built last fall and ready for stain, what is the approach on staining, using
a pad or a roller. Thank You.

4 years ago

I have a deck that is three tiers first tier was stained two years ago with your 100 cedar the second tier is almost 2 years old pressure treated no stain and last section is 9 months old we are going to stain it all this month in 100 cedar would you recommend one coat for all since the tiers do but up to each other

4 years ago

I recently moved into a 4yr old home with a screen porch. The deck in the screen porch has never been stained and since it is covered looks very clean. I did a light clean and powerwashed and it looks good. Can I now apply the TWP stain? Should I apply 2 coats or 1? If I buy extra stain will it still be good to use in a year for a second coat if needed?

jim akin
5 years ago

can twp 100 stain be used in airless sprayer. I have a 12×25 deck/railing with a portico with a swing.

5 years ago

You directions. Do I or do I not apply 2 coats of stain to bare wood?

5 years ago
Reply to  TWP Help

10 months old

5 years ago
Reply to  TWP Help

The wood is about 10 months old

5 years ago

I live just so. of Chicago. My redwood deck is 25 years old and has been stained with Superdeck stain . I think I have to sand it because all of the previous stain would not come the lasttimeI prepped. I am planing on sanding with 60 grit then 80 grit.My question is,do I use stripper and brightened then stain?

5 years ago

Do I need to use the Gemini cleaner on 12 month old wood if I sand it first? It has never been stained. Also, should I do wet-on-wet for the first coat or wait until the 2nd year?

Terri K
5 years ago

I am having mildew issues with my stained deck, swing, and chairs. I applied two coats to all surfaces. Is this normal? Is there a way to prevent mildew ?

5 years ago

Staining large barn doors but will have to take them down to stain. Boards are glued tongue and groove. (1) Is it ok to stain all sides? If so, how soon can I turn them over to stain the other side? (2) since they will be laying down what applicator should I use, brush, pad or spray?

5 years ago
Reply to  Sandy

Doors are 8×12 so I’m assuming I’d have to walk on them as u would a deck in order to reach the center boards.

Patricia McClure
5 years ago

What nap should the roller be?

Paul D
5 years ago

Hi, I used TWP101 on a deck in Atlanta 6 years ago, had to be redone in 18 months, again 18 months. Made the mistake of putting on dark solid stain which has lasted longer, but made deck so hot it is unusable. I am sanding now, and then will Oxi clean and brighten. Once I reapply TWP101 in a few days (after drying) per instructions, what prep will be necessary 18 months from now when I will need to redo the deck? Sorry, but your product is the best of extremely poor deck stain or sealing products that last a very short period of usability. I suspect this is just government at its worst: mandating that you cannot sell us the products that work. Thanks.

Thomas Kennedy
5 years ago

Contractor applied TWP 1520 pecan to my newly installed 3 season room floor. The color doesn’t look uniform, dark and light area’s. It has been more than 24 hours. Can I apply a second coat or try to wipe over it with a rag having stain on it?

Bill Walkup
5 years ago

I saw a can of TWP labeled PRO. what is that?

Luke Perkin
5 years ago

I have some pooling/film in various areas, mostly on horizontal areas. Is there a best practice for fixing that?

5 years ago

Wow. Just watched the news and now rain is a definite for Sunday around noon till evening. If I finish staining Saturday afternoon, is that enough time before rain? Also, it will be 2 weeks on Monday since I finished prep, hence why I am trying to get the stain down this weekend. So in a nutshell, last raindrop was Wednesday around 8pm and next raindrop is forcasted for Sunday noon. What should I do? HELLLPPPPP

5 years ago

I’ve got 2 quick questions. Today is Friday. It rained heavily Wednesday and stop training around 8 p.m. that night. I finally have a decent opportunity to get my stain down before the next rain which is possibly Sunday but definitely Monday. I thought I was going to be okay to go with a dry deck tonight Friday but I just noticed that where the deck meets the pool skimmer, the skimmer had been overflowing with water from the recent rain and left a couple of boards wet that I just noticed now. And it would be chlorinated water. I don’t want to let these three boards hold up the process because I think this is my last opportunity. Any recommendations?. I was considering trying to speed up the drying of the wood or just somehow not do those three boards until whenever. I will attach a picture of the wet spot. My other question now I’m running into colder overnight Temps. I plan on starting staining tonight around 8 p.m. Underlights which will be approximately 48 hours since the last raindrop fell on Wednesday. Is 48 Hours dry time an absolute must or can I start earlier today in the daylight. Also they are forecasting temperatures to drop below 40 degrees for a couple of hours overnight tonight. is that an issue? By the way, railings and spindles came out beautiful

Jeff Evans
5 years ago

I read elsewhere that the minimum temp was 50F (for the 1500 series). Does that mean 50F at the time of application, or for a number of hours afterward? If I apply when it’s above that (i.e. during the day), but then it dips below overnight, is that a problem?

5 years ago

Is TWP 100 better than the TWP 1500 or will it last longer?

mike badera
5 years ago

which grade is better for new pressure treated posts that will be in the water? new meaning aged for a few months in the sun but not previously stained or painted.

mike badera
5 years ago
Reply to  TWP Help

thanks…. have things changed in 20 years? when the dock was built > 20 years ago it was stained with an oil based product and the lumber and posts that are in the water still have the same dark color… the parts in the water haven’t rotted or anything, but above the water is another story. any suggestions?

5 years ago
Reply to  TWP Help

ok, thanks.

5 years ago

Any opinion on brush or staining pad for best results on smooth, knot free pine?

Donald Baird
5 years ago
Reply to  TWP Help

I assume then that all application methods give equal results on all wood surfaces.

Donald Baird
5 years ago
Reply to  TWP Help

Perfect. That is what I thought too. Thank you

Tim A.
5 years ago

Is it possible to get California Redwood in your 100 series?

5 years ago

Do you need to apply a sealant after the stain dries?

5 years ago

How long does it take for 116 Rustic Oak to dry and not worry about rain?

Randy celander
5 years ago

I have applied twp 1500 following all prep and applications. Weather was 65 to 70 all week but the boards feel tacky to the touch. There was no puddling . Help what now.

5 years ago

Is it ok to stain your deck before winter or should I wait in the summer

5 years ago

We are having our house and decks (one with brick pad) power washed and stained next month. They say they will do it in 1 day. Will the decks be dry enough to stain? Shouldn’t they let them dry?

5 years ago

Hi there. We stripped, power washed, brightened and sanded our deck 6 weeks ago. Then we went thru a hot and humid time followed by distractions. Bottom line, we are looking to start staining with TWP 1500 which we also purchased at that time. Will the wood still accept the stain without further prep? If not, what prep would you recommend? Is another power washing enough?

5 years ago
Reply to  TWP Help

Similar situation here but only one week between prep and stain (100). Do I need to brighten again or just power wash?

5 years ago

I replaced numerous deck boards on one section of my deck the first week of October last year.
I intend to just power wash those boards but will use a stripper on the older boards (17 years old with several coats of semi transparent stain) Once dry I will be doing wet on wet application of TWP101 cedartone for the old boards … but should I use this method for the 11 month old boards? If wet on wet is not recommended for the newer boards when (if at all) should I apply a second coat?

5 years ago

I dont know which stain to use for my deck? 100, 1500, ?? I cant find where the website states what to use. Very large deck that is 10 years old and has not been maintained to well. Will power wash or sand then use your deck restore and brightner. Which stain?

5 years ago
Reply to  TWP Help

I live in Michigan so the 100 is fine correct?

5 years ago

Had contractor apply stain: stain is still wet after two hot days. This was new cedar and they may have applied two coats, but is not penetrating. What do we do now?

5 years ago

I have a 20 year old deck made out of “sunwood”, which I think is a treated pine. I stained it several times over the years, but it was pretty beat up. Last fall I replaced several boards with regular pine. Then I used BEHR Deckover which started peeling off all the old wood (but not the new wood)by spring. Now, I want to use TWP stain. What do I need to do to prep? Thank you

5 years ago

Just wanted to post a couple pics of my 35-year old deck using TWP115 Honeytone. Thanks for your advice on spotty/shiny. Wet-on-wet, no brighteners, just good powerwash. Very nice.

5 years ago

I stained my deck with 100 last August and can see areas that need more stain this year. Can I apply more stain on top of whats already done?

5 years ago

We are in the process of doing our L-shaped cedar porch. It has been stripped, sanded in places and brightened so we are ready to stain. We are thinking that we need to start with the ceiling but also need to put down covering on the floor to protect from drips. Do you recommend doing all the ceiling and then the walls, and then the floor?Thanks for any recommendations

5 years ago

Just finished staining my deck, wet-on-wet with TWP115 Honeytone. There are some tacky boards. It was previously stained 3 years ago with the same product. It was properly powerwashed. Can the tacky boards be lightly sanded just to get the tackiness off and not have to be re-stained? I tried mineral spirits but did not work. I read your article below, but want to know if just light sanding by itself would do the trick assuming there is plenty of stain in the fibers. Thank you.

5 years ago
Reply to  TWP Help

So are you saying that plain weathering will resolve the tackiness? I thought those areas were already dry, but just caked with oil which cannot penetrate or evaporate. I am ok with that, just didn’t think that would be the case. Some of the areas do not see any sun, some see quite a bit of sun. There are also some areas that do not get rain either, as there is an overhang over part of the deck preventing rain or snow from hitting it. I may try to very lightly sand some inconspicuous areas to remove just the upper tacky layer. If it appears the stain is not still present near the surface, I will apply a thin coat of stain back on. I’ll let you know how this turns out.

5 years ago

3 year old redwood deck that I stained last year with one coat of TWP 1503 after prep with Gemini Restore Kit. I want to put second coat on. What steps do I need to do before staining? Thanks.

5 years ago
Reply to  TWP Help

Use both stripper and brightened?

Gary T Harter
5 years ago

I applied a heavy not piddly g pat of semi transparent oil stain. It has been three hours. Is it too late for the second coat.
It looks fine

5 years ago

I am staining a old cedar deck in Canada with TWP 200. Can you confirm that I will need to apply two coats wet on wet. The wood is quite dry. It has been sanded and I plan on using the Gemini kit to prep the deck

Thank You,

5 years ago

There was a few spots that we had to retouch and now it oops like it’s not drying what should we do

Mike Clarke
5 years ago

I bought a 5 gallon jug of TWP 100 14 months ago, and got lazy and didn’t apply it. I’ll likely be using it in the next few weeks. Is it still good? I’m not sure if there’s a shelf life on this stuff or if it will require some thorough mixing before I use it now.

5 years ago


Russ Crocker
5 years ago

Hi guys! Just had a pole building constructed and had T1-11 siding put on it. I’m located near Seattle in the normally very wet Pacific Northwest. I’ve ordered 15 gallons of TWP 1500 in Dark Oak, trying to match the finish on my house as best I can.
Questions are, since I have brand-new T1-11, which has a pretty rough finished surface, do I need to put one coat or two on? It seems from other responses that I only need one, but it also seems like the rough surface would really soak up the stain requiring a second coat? If only one coat is required, with that rough surface is back-brushing necessary or should I just let the one coat soak in?
Also, since the wood is new and clean, so I need to prep it at all or can I just stain it? Sorry for all the questions, just want to make sure I get it done right….

Mary Beth Horton
5 years ago

How long after application is the deck ready for use? When can we put furniture on deck after application? How long before it’s ok for rain after application?

Penny Harriton
5 years ago

I wanted to purchase Gemini cleaner only and was directed to the manufacturer. They said it was only sold in kits along with the brightener. I had a technical question about how long to leave the brightener on, and was referred to someone in that department. When I asked him how long to leave the brightener on, he told me that it stays on – not to be rinsed off using a hose. Just let it dry. I was confused, and said that the directions on the canister were to spray it on and hose it off. He said that he would have to question the marketing department – that the directions were wrong. Have you encountered this or have you heard of it before?

Penny Harriton
5 years ago

Hi – I have a 30 year old pressure treated wood deck. Wen I purchased the house, the deck had a Cabot solid stain on it that eventually peeled and was a mess. The Cabot people told me that the deck should have been primed first. I told them that if a deck needed to be primed prior to staining – that they should just call their product “paint”. I tried everything to get the old stain off and finally had to actually take paint stripper to get it all off. That’s when I learned about TWP. I have since done the deck twice using your wet on wet application with a stain pad. For the most part – everything looked great. The deck was due again for cleaning, brightening and restaining last year – but it rained every day all last summer and fall, following a very wet winter. This year I was able to use the Gemini kit and got the deck prepped. Today I applied the stain with a roller ( after seeing that this was one of the application methods) I somehow lost my stain pad applicator. I did two coats wet on wet and everything is drying. I was looking over some of the questions regarding drying time, etc. and I saw that you recommend using a stain pad or brush for the 2nd coat. Too late for me – I used the roller method. The last time I stained (3 years ago) I did use the stain pad applicator and had some shiny spots that I had to rub with rags to remove. Some of my boards are cupped slightly.

5 years ago

I plan on staining today with the 1500. The deck has been prepped and dry for 5 days so it’s in perfect condition to stain. Weather is perfect today but tomorrow forecasting a slight chance of a stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. Is it safe to safe today? How long does the stain need to set before it can get wet? How long before you can walk on ? Also I have a small staircase going up from the deck which I was going to stain another day since The main horizontal decking is the majority of the project and I would like to make that my priority. Will I risk a mismatch if I complete the stairs in the next week or 2? I would tarp deck below very well before staining the stairs to avoid drips. Thank you!!

5 years ago

I put one coat on last evening on my deck. Seemed to soak up ok. Is ok to put second coat on 24 hours later or did I miss my opportunity? using 100 series clear Honey tone

5 years ago
Reply to  TWP Help

what are my options then. Its a covered deck, so it isn’t exposed to the elements as much, but I feel it needs second quote.

5 years ago
Reply to  TWP Help

Great! Thank you for quick response.

5 years ago

What type of paint brush to you advise using for the 2nd coat for a wet on wet application?

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