How to Cleanup TWP Stain and Brushes

by TWP Help

Last Updated on January 30, 2023 by TWP Help

TWP Stain Cleanup for Applicator Tools –

Once you have completed an exterior wood staining project using any of the TWP Series Wood Stains,  you should clean up using mineral spirits. Although TWP is the only EPA registered wood preservative and has a very low VOC it is oil-based and requires mineral spirits for cleanup. But with some cleanup knowledge and tips, it can be a breeze.

What You’ll Need for Cleanup

  • Mineral spirits
  • Personal protection
  • Clean cloth or rag
  • Plastic Tarp
  • Empty buck for disposal

You can find different sizes of mineral spirits for sale at about any paint supply store or big box store. Always wear protective wear like safety glasses, chemical-resistant gloves, and breathing apparatus. Once you are done staining with TWP pour any excess stain from containers back into the stain can. Use a brush to wipe all the extra stain back into the can as possible.

Take your applicator tools and containers needing to be cleaned to a safe location away from plants, grass, animals, etc. It is best to place a plastic cloth or tarp over the area you are going to be working on. Pour mineral spirits into any of the containers that had any stain in them. Using a brush wipe the containers clean with the mineral spirits while essentially cleaning the brush at the same time. Then pour the used mineral spirits into the empty disposal bucket. Repeat if necessary and until the container is clean.

If you are cleaning several brushes or rollers do so in the spare bucket by pouring a little cleaner in it and swooshing the tools around until clean. Wipe off any excess mineral spirits with a clean cloth. Set the clean containers and tools aside.

If you used a pump or airless sprayer pour some mineral spirits into the tank of the sprayer. Stick the nozzle end into the spare bucket containing the used mineral spirits and pump or spray until clean mineral spirits are coming out. Dump any remaining cleaner out of the sprayer’s tank into the disposal bucket.

Any brushes, rollers, or used rags that are going to be reused should be placed safely in a fireproof container or metal can with a lid. It should then be disposed of properly along with the disposal bucket of used mineral spirits. Most communities have a hazardous waste collection program, check with your city or town. Never pour mineral spirits down the drain or on the ground. Never leave contaminated rags or cloths laying around as they are a fire hazard. Use common sense and be smart and you’ll have clean applicator tools to use on your next TWP staining project.


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Catherine giordano
2 years ago

My neighbor got the 1500 TWP stain on my concrete…. How do I get it off my concrete? He tried muractic acid and scrub brush…. Now it left marks on the concrete. Not happy with situation. Please help…with finding a resolution.

2 years ago

What is recommended procedure to clean TWP 100 Series each year so that the stain will last as long as possible? What type of cleaner and a hose or light power washer? Thank you.

Bill Prieto
3 years ago

My contractor applied TWP to my pool deck and it looks amazing, problem is it was windy one day and a window was accidentally over sprayed. How should I remove the TWP spots? Can mineral spirits do the trick? Or do I need something stronger? Thanks!

Ginny Freudenberger
3 years ago

I have a 42 yr. old log home (pine/spruce). In Sept. 2019 I stripped all the old stains from the entire house taking to bare wood. I used your stripper products. (Check my account).
The house is absolutely beautiful, looks new. I used 1501 series – Cedar color to restain.
I have found the color to get darker with each application of stain. I would like the house to stay the color it is. My question is “can I use a lighter color stain on top of the cedar to maintain the golden color in the future?” I am thinking of staining again next summer due to the hot summer sun drying the logs. Thank you for any info you may provide.

Dave P
3 years ago

Do I need to mask off aluminum balusters before applying TWP1501 product? If no will the overspray wipe off?

Lisa DeMayo
4 years ago

Can anyone show me a recent photo of 1511 California Redwood on their cedar boards? How does it compare really to the regualr redwoodI looked on here but i think the photos for that shade are mixed with a bunch of others and i can’t really make it out? I want to buy some asap if i like it.

4 years ago

We have just completed a new cedar deck. If I sand off the oil glaze so the twp stain can penetrate, can I stain it right away?

4 years ago
Reply to  TWP Help

Should I then wait to sand it just before I stain?

4 years ago

TWP100 stain bled onto white painted trim boards in a few places. Have experimented with water based primer (Kilz) and bonding primer (Mad Dog) without success. BIN (Alcohol base) sticks pretty well. What is your recommendation?
Also, the stain is dry- months since application.

4 years ago

I am preparing an old cedar deck for staining with TWP100 in Seattle. Has a old waterborne stain now.
We are stripping by sanding wit 80 grit. Have removed and done all rails and ballasters with a palm sander. Plan to use a floor sander with 80 grit for base. Then use RAD cleaner and Brightener.

1. An issue with that closing pores?
2. Use cleaner on one railing and it looks to have expander the grain… is that normal?
3. How long can we wait between cleaning and brightening steps?
4. How long after brightening can we wait before staining? (Ballasters and rails are stored indoors until complete)
5. When we apply- wet on wet- seems a staining pad may be easiest to ensure we don’t over apply and to control lap marks? Is this sensible?


4 years ago
Reply to  TWP Help

I have already cleaned some boards, a couple days ago, but not brightened. Do if just reclean those?

4 years ago
Reply to  TWP Help

Thanks. All set

4 years ago
Reply to  TWP Help

I cleaned and brightened all railings now. Some look great- like nearly new wood. A few has whitish splotches on them… Any idea what is causing this and if I need to take additional actions before staining? Do I need to reclean and rebrighten these? Two photos

4 years ago
Reply to  TWP Help

Thanks. What causes it? Just clean it off with 89 grit again? No need to redo clean or brightening?

4 years ago
Reply to  TWP Help

Also- would re-cleaning and scrubbing or pressure washing more remove this too?

James Farrell
5 years ago

I am in Saint Augustine, Florida and have 2 gabled roofs and a pergola…all newly made (Dec 2018) with Eastern Red Cedar. I have let these constructs age/weather for the past 8 months and am ready to use TWP 100 on the gables…however the pergola will eventually have plants vines growing on it…(jasmine etc), will the TWP 100 be suitable for these plants to come in contact with?

Garry Tuggle
6 years ago

How to clean TWP from glass windows?

William Hough
6 years ago

How do I remove TWP 300 stain from concrete?

Sean Gronemeier
7 years ago

I started the staining process on my deck by doing the privacy fence with arbor first. From the top down. I layed out some plastic sheeting in order to keep drips of stain off the deck itself. Unfortunately I should have covered the entire deck. Not only did splatter drip spots get all over the deck but at one point I dropped a small container of stain which splattered everywhere including the side of my house which is a siding. Im not sure what to do at this point. Do I wait until the stained privacy fence dries and reclean and brighten the deck? What about the siding? I wiped off what I could but it didnt all come off.

10 years ago

How do I remove TWP 100 stain drips from the vertical black metal spindles on our railings. It’s sticky. The poles are powder-coated painted aluminum I beileve.

Barry Muhlfelder
8 years ago

I got quite a bit of 1500 series pacific redwood stain on our flagstone walkway. A paint stripper didn’t work. Should I try mineral spirits or something else?

8 years ago

Try a graffiti remover and pressure washing.

Kevin Peyton
8 years ago

I have a significant amount of dried overspray that I need to clean off my vinyl siding. Mineral spirits didn’t touch it, Simple Green didn’t touch it, Fast Orange hand cleaner works to some degree. Is there something better I can use to clean it off? Deck stripper, paint stripper?

8 years ago
Reply to  Kevin Peyton

Try a water based graffiti remover from your local store. Do a test spot first before all as you do not want to discolor your siding.

10 years ago

Do a test spot first to make sure it removes it with some mineral spirits and a rag.

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