Last Updated on April 11, 2022 by TWP Help
TWP with Wet on Wet Application Tips
TWP Stains are to be applied “Wet on Wet” when the wood is absorbent enough to handle more than 1 coat of the stain. This is typically for wood and decking that is older than 12 months and has been exposed to the elements. Applying the TWP “wet on wet” is similar to applying 1.5 coats of stain. The second coat covers twice as much square footage as the first coat.
Applying TWP “wet on wet” is very easy and not complicated once you understand the simple steps.
How To Apply TWP Wood Stains “Wet On Wet” to a Deck:
- Apply the TWP to the verticals first. This would include the railings, benches, and any vertical walls.
- Lightly apply one coat of stain to the horizontal flooring. Apply to the entire floor surface. If your deck has multiple levels, do one level at a time before moving to the next level.
- Wearing shoes that are disposable, walk back onto the “wet” stain and reapply another coat to the “tops” of and railings, walls, and benches. You may walk on your first coat of stain 10 minutes after finishing.
- Apply your second coat of stain to the horizontal flooring. Take care to not step in or leave footprints in your second coat!
- Finish stairs last, repeating the above steps.
TWP Staining Tips
- Do not apply 2 coats of stain to new wood or decking or to recently sanded wood that was sanded finer than 60-80 grit as the TWP stain may not be able to fully absorb into the wood.
- In most cases, a second coat only needs to be applied to horizontals as the verticals will last twice as long.
- Apply your second coat of stain within 10-60 minutes of the first coat.
- Watching for puddling on the floor. This usually happens under railings and benches.
- Wear shoes and clothes that are disposable. Do not wear shoes that have black soft rubber soles. The TWP can “soften” these soles, leaving black residue marks on your deck if you step in the stain.
- TWP Wood Stains can be applied with a stain pad, brush, roller, or sprayer.
If You Need any Help, Please Ask Below!
I just received some fresh cut redwood which I will use in a covered pergola. Most of the redwood is rough cut but some is S4S. All ready some of the exposed redwood is weathering while the covered lumber is still very pink. I am staining the lumber with the series 1500 stain and would like to stain right away before I construct the pergola. What preparation should I consider so the redwood is all the same consistent color before staining.
You cannot prestain new “smooth” wood. It has to weather and be prepped.
The rough sawn cut can be stained now.
I read and understand the difference in staining rough and surfaced lumber.
Some of the rough redwood has a different appearance on the same board due to it being partially covered and receiving diffrent exposure.. When using a semi-transparent stain will this difference in appearance be visible? Is there a treatment that should be applied so the lumber has consistent appearance?
You should weather all the wood after install for 3-4 plus months and then prep with the Gemini Restore Kit. This will make the wood even in exposure and will stain evenly. It is not possible to pretreat with penetrating stains like TWP.
I just stained my deck with the semi solid heartwood color stain. I use restore deck and brighten our first. Looks great!
. I have 4 gallons of stain( from a 5 gallon container)left over. Can I wait a year and reapply what I have left over just for an additional coat.??
The shelf life is about 12 months once opened.
What do I do if I applied one coat on one day and a second coat two days later rather than wet on wet? Will it never dry?
Or will it eventually dry taking a week or so to do so? If it will never dry can I take a dry mop and wipe up the excess TWP on the floor?
You can have issues with curing and drying. It would be better to wait until next Spring. Lightly prep and recoat then.
At what temperature should you apply the semi solid stain?
50-90 F.
We had our deck power washed and one coat of TWP 1500 was applied. We had to order more for the second coat which will not arrive until two days from now. Tomorrow Wednesday and Thursday it is supposed to rain and the painter wants to apply the second coat on Friday. Is that okay? or should we wait until Monday?
Second coats when applied are to be applied wet on wet, not wet on dry.
You should wait until next Spring at this point. Clean first before applying.
What’s a good rule of thumb on how long to wait after some rain before staining? I’ll be staining a large house that will take several days. Hopefully I have a good stretch of clear days, but most likely I’ll have a day with a chance of showers.
And similarly, how long before an anticipated shower should I stop staining?
Thank you.
48 hours to dry after rain or prep to stain. 12 hours after applying before rain can hit the freshly applied stain.
Do I need to apply 2 coats of 100 series, deck has been exposed to elements about a year and never been stained.
2 light coats applied wet on wet.
Thanks! Also Do I need to apply a clear coat or just the stain?
No need and you cannot apply a clear coat over a deck stain. It would peel if you did that.
can I apply a second coat the next day
Seconds coats should be applied wet on wet the same day as the first coat.
With the new 1500 series do you still recommend the 100 series for Missouri?
Either series would work equally well for MO.
Had TWP101 applied to my deck and gazebo in July 2021. This year after proper cleaning and prep they applied TWP 1501. I have pictures and the colors are NOT the same. The product from 2021 has more orange-red in it.
NOT happy at all with the oily brown look of TWP1501. So am i just stuck? Can I apply a second coat of a different TWP 1500 color over this? or is it back to square 1, powerwash and start over.
Hi. Colors between two different series are not and never have been the same. 101 Cedartone Natural and 1501 Cedartone are not matching colors. Closest color in the 1500 Series to the 101 Cedartone Natural would be the 1530 Natural.
If you want to change you would need to remove the 1501 Cedartone with the RAD Stripper and Brightener Kit.
Roller or Sprayer? I have 2000 sf of rough redwood fence about one year since install. Is one of these – roller or sprayer – materially better way to go? Thanks!.
Spray first is easier but you will need to back brush or use a stain pad when applying the second coat wet on wet. Do not you use a roller.
I have a PT SYP deck, unfinished, installed 11 mos ago. Should I do 1 coat or 2? And what prep should be done? Can I just pressure wash?
See this about new wood:
2 light coats applied wet on wet. Gemini Kit for prep while pressure washing.
I stained my deck using the wet on wet approach. The deck was last stained 4 yrs ago, and I prep’d by using a deck wash followed by power washing. Unfortunately, I was too liberal with the first coat so the second coat did not get absorbed fully. After 48 hrs and dry conditions, there are several areas that are glossy and clearly still tacky. My bad. What is the best way to remedy this situation? Many thanks for your help!
See this for tips: https://twpstainhelp.com/twp-stain-is-spotty-or-shiny/
What size tip is recommended for 1500 series for an airless sprayer
Can TWP 100 Series stain be use on Teak decking.
Yes but only 1 coat.
Thanks, is it OK to add extra Mildewcide to the stain for extra protection.
We would not suggest this as the TWP is already loaded up with the proper amounts of algaecides.
It’s been 4-5 years since we stained our deck. I pressure washed it first. I found I had about a gallon left in the old 5 gallon bucket. (TWP 202 Redwood 5-Gallons UPC #44575 20205) I mixed it as well as I could and rolled a portion of the deck. It looked oily and transparent during application I assume because the solids would not dissolve. It appears it won’t dry. I took some towels and wiped off areas where the excess oil seemed to not penetrate. I just received three 1-gallon containers of the same material. Do I just apply it to the deck as is or is the old stain going to give me a problem?
You should not have used the open pail as the stain has gone bad. You should fully remove that now before using the new stain.
How do I remove the bad stain?
Getting ready to restrain deck using TWP 100 dark oak and I have an area that is darker than the rest as it was covered by furniture. How to I address this without stripping? I have already cleaned and brightened the area with a power washer twice.
The only way to get all even is to strip and brighten all wood. If the furniture is going back in the same spot it may not matter if darker there if covered.
What about sanding it a touch to lighten it up?
No, that will not work.
I applied first coat and didn’t get to apply second coat to part of area. Can I add second coat after dry?
No, it needs to be wet on wet if doing a second coat. You can wait 9-12 months and then lightly clean and recoat.
We stripped, brightened and stained (cedar tone 100 series) our deck 3 years ago. We cleansed and brightened 2 years ago. Most of it held up well but there are some sections where the stain is no longer present. Should we clean, brighten, and stain this year or do we need to use a stripper?
Can you please add some pics in the comments of the current condition?
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Just wash the tops of the rails and recoat.
Hello – Can two coats of TWP stain be applied to newly installed KDAT pine flooring? The wood is kiln dried and should be stained/sealed right away. Wondering if its OK to do 2 coats (wet on wet) for newly installed KDAT – or only 1 coat? Also, where can someone buy 205 California Cedar in Georgia (Sandy Springs or nearby area). I see that ACE sell some TWP stain colors and looks like they do not sell 205 California Cedar. Thank you.
No, only 1 coat, and make sure to weather and prep:
We sell online only as a TWP dealer:
Can TWP1500 be used on wood patio furniture? Does it fully dry so it can be used on furniture?
Yes, and it does fully cure. Just one coat.
I stained our new deck 3 years ago with TWP 1515 Honeytone. I’m going to stain it again this year. I will be doing the Gemini restorer and brightener. Should I count on doing another “wet on wet” application? Or do you think I could just get by with a single coat? Thanks.
Probably wet on wet will be needed.
What sq ft coverage per 5 gal with semi solid stain
Coverage will vary based on wood age, type of wood, and how many coats you are applying. What is the sq footage of your deck?
What does “wet on wet” mean?
The above article explains the wet on wet staininig process.
350 sq.ft. deck, old wood, stripped, brightened, how much TWP 101 do I need for wet-on-wet. Also, which do you find to be better wide stain brush or stain pad?
3-4 gallons of TWP. We like the wide floor brush best.
Thanks. Is minimum 50 degree temperature for TWP-101 application air or surface temp.?
Any other weather related precautions like freeze or rain before application?
No rain for 48 hours prior to staining.
TWP-101 turning out nice! Today is Friday around 70 degrees, supposed to have 31-32 degrees Sun morning (6-7am) for a couple of hours. Can we stain through 5pm Sat.or need do what we are able to today (Fri) & finish next week when no freezing expected?
Freezing temp 31-32 degrees for Sun morning, today is Fri…any stain concerns?
It cannot drop below freezing the first night after staining.
I do not have a pair of shoes that I want to dispose of after walking through the stain. Will these disposable shoe guards suffice?
I will be applying 1500 with a brush. After taping off so that I can cut in along the vinyl siding, do I go ahead and apply both coats for those areas first and then do the remaining horizontal boards? If I feather the edges of the cut ins in front of the patio doors will that be enough to prevent dark lines?
Edge out along the house upper level and then immediately do the rest to the flooring for that level for the first coat. Repeat for the lower level and then repeat the exact same for the second coat for both levels. Tailings should be done first.
Does it matter if the low temp goes below 45F after TWP 100 has been applied?
It cannot drop below freezing the first night after staining.
Can you please give the precise instructions regarding what the temperature and moisture levels need to be to apply TWP 100 stain?
Temps are 50-90F. Moisture less than 15%.
My contractor applied the second (wet on wet) coat for 1500 and did not wipe off any build up or puddling after as he assumed it would absorb and dry. It has be a few days and there is a lot of the build up still on the deck and now it is sticky and not dry. Any suggestions on what I can do to clean or get those areas to dry?
Have a cedar deck that was installed two years ago. Cleaned a year ago, but left deck looking like it had a beard. Shoveling over the winter removed the beard and have now cleaned the deck a second time. Do I do this wet on wet method, or put a coat on now and do a second coat next spring? The deck is 24 ft. by 24 ft. So I assume I will have to do sections if I have to do the wet on wet method.
Wet on wet. Do all and then walk back on and do the second coat within 20-60 minutes of the first coat. It will not take more than 30 minutes to apply a coat to 500-600 sq feet when using our floor brush.
We have a newly installed redwood fence in Northern California (Bay Area). Is it ok to stain it with a single coat of TWP 1500 series in about 2 weeks OR should we wait for 4-12 months before we stain for the first time? It wasn’t clear if the TWP recommendation of waiting 4-12 months was for smooth decks only OR also for somewhat rough fences.
Is the wood rough sawn or smooth? Post some pics.
It is rough sawn. Please see attached pictures. Should we sand it first before we stain it? If yes, please suggest grit.
Do not sand but you should clean and brighten with the Gemini Kit to remove the dirt and mildew. No need to weather new rough sawn wood.
Great, thanks. To confirm, we will use the Gemini Kit first and then apply only 1 coat of the TWP 1500 series. We will do this in a couple of weeks (without waiting for the wood to weather for a few months).
We have a deck that was installed 12 months ago-decking is Outdoor wood. 1)Do we need to strip and brighten? If so how soon after Brightening can Stain be applied?
2) do we apply one or two coats?
1. Clean and brighten with the Geminin Restore kit.
2. 2 light coats applied wet on wet.
I applied Semi-solid Pro Cabin Fever according to the directions with two coats wet on wet on a 30 year old deck that was sanded with 60 grit . After seven days the deck still feels tacky. The deck was tented to be moisture free 3 days prior to applying the stain and 3 day after. My question is will it dry eventually dry?
I would also recommend that you update your instruction to clearly state the staining requirements for a sanded deck, not have to hunt thru the comments.
Yes, it will dry and cure. The TWP Semi-solid is 1-2 coats depending on porosity. When you sand, you reduce the porosity, which can result in only 1 coat needing to be applied. This can vary.
Cedar Deck is near 10 years old, last finished with Australian Timber Oil 2 years ago.
Deck is over 1000 sq ft.
I’m in Minnesota, so TWP 100 is OK. Price difference between 100 and 1500 does not concern me.
At 78 yrs-old refinishing a chore for me. I’m hoping next finish will last longer than other finishes.
If I need 2 coats of TWP 100 how many gallons do I need ?
Previous color has been transparent Cedar. Deck gets lots of sun. Will a Darker stain last longer than Cedar tone ? Perhaps a color to go with Driftwood Roof or Tope/Light Brown house trim ?
The 1500 seems easier to apply, but I want the BEST and LONGEST lasting.
How long will I need RAIN FREE conditions ?
Please, your recomendations.
Make sure to remove all the old Cabot first. The TWP 100 and 1500 apply the same and last the same. You will need about 10 gallons for 2 coats applied wet on wet.
I’ve sanded our deck to bare wood using 80 grit paper two months ago. Since then, I’ve measured a few days of 113F on the deck surface and we’ve also had intermittent rain showers. In some place on this site, I’ve read one coat is advised, but two coats if sanded with no finder than 60-80 grit. Which is advised when applying RAD brightener followed by 1500 black walnut? I’m also staining the garage door with the same product. Because it’s a vertical surface, is one coat all that is recommended? Thanks.
One coat for sanded wood is best. You can do one coat for the door unless the wood is rough cut.
I live in Austin, TX and have a wrap around porch about 600 sq. feet. The porch is 30 years old and still in good condition (mostly) as it is covered. Mold and mildew are not a problem. I am sanding off the prior SuperDeck semi-solid stain and only going to 80 grit. I would like to keep to a transparent or semi-transparent stain and reapply every year or two rather than have to completely sand the porch again. A few questions:
-100 Series but the 1500 will work just as well.
-Best to use ours.
-One coat when the wood is sanded.
-Wood fillers do not work well for exterior wood and will not “stain” to blend with the TWP. We do not suggest it.
I live in the Seattle area. Finding a weather window where it doesn’t rain for 48 hours so the deck can dry before I stain, followed by another 48 hours after I stain so the stain can dry is proving to be very difficult.
I used the RAD stripper and brightener yesterday. Today it rained even though there was no rain in the forecast. I presume I now need to let my deck dry for 48 hours after the rain has stopped before applying the TWP 103 Dark Oak stain. Is that correct? Can I stain sooner than 48 hours if the wood moisture content falls below 15-20%?
You do not need 48 hours after staining to dry. 12 hours will be enough. 48 hours after rain or prep is correct. Not sooner.
My decking has only “seasoned” for about 5-7 months. Should I only apply one coat of stain? If so, should I apply 2 coats next year?
See here about new wood: https://twpstainhelp.com/prepping-new-wood-for-twp-stains/
Here are some pics of my log cabin. It has not been treated in at least 12 years. can you please walk me through the steps to clean and then stain and seal the logs?
1. Which product for cedar shingle siding
2. How many sq ft does one gal cover
3. Are two coats of stain recommended
4. Is second coast applied over wet first coat
5. is brush or roller used?
Use the TWP 200 Series for shingles. All info is on this page:
When doing the wet on wet application… what if all of the second coat doesn’t soak in? How do you get back on the deck to wipe off excess is my question.
You can walk on it just make sure to wipe your foot prints as you back off the deck. FYI, all oily rags must be saturated in water and laid fly to dry outside when done.
I am ready to stain this morning but the railings are damp from dew. Is it ok to go ahead and start or should I wait until they dry?
Thank you!
Must be dry.
I prepped my previously TWP stained deck by cleaning and brightening. It then rained for two days.
Because of having to wait at least 48 hours after raining and my work schedule, it will be 9 days between brightening and when I can stain.
Is this ok?
I need to apply this to an older log cabin that has not been treated in at least 12 years. Do I need to prep it in ay way other than cleaning with TSP prior to applying the 1500 series stain? Should I use the “wet on wet” method?
Post some pics for proper prep tips.
Here are some pics. Thank you for your help.
Strip and brighten for prep using this kit and pressure washing:
Apply two coats wet on wet.
Here is a pic. I have more but having trouble getting them to load. Thank you for your help
Hey Mike! Do you have any after photos and any tips on what you did and how it worked for you?
I’m using 1502, can I apply one coat today and the next coat tomorrow?
No, it has to be wet on wet if doing two coats.
Do I need to take 1 yr old unopened twp stain to the paint store & have shaken or shake & stir myself before using
Stir well or use a paddle mixer attached to your drill.
Hi. My redwood deck is two years old and was stained once. After prepping the wood with Restoration kit, I am ready to restrain the deck. your customers support told me deck that’s is less than 5 years old is considered new wood and should only apply one coat of stain. However the instructions on this page says wet on wet on woods that are older than 12 months old. Can you clarify please?
What stain did you use prior?
Just a follow up- do we HAVE TO sand first or can we skip that?
No you do not have to sand.