How To Apply TWP 1500 Stain in 2025

by TWP Help

Last Updated on January 10, 2025 by TWP Help

Update on Best Application tips for applying the TWP 1500 Series

TWP 1500 Stain

TWP 1500 Stain

Step 1: Measure Your Wood Surface
Start by calculating the square footage of your wood surface. The TWP 1500 Series Wood and Deck Preservative provides coverage of about 150-300 sq. ft. per gallon, depending on wood porosity. To avoid running out mid-project, purchase a little more stain than your estimate.

Step 2: Clean and Prepare the Wood
Before applying TWP 1500, thoroughly clean the wood using a pressure washer or brush paired with a high-quality wood cleaner. Proper preparation is key to maximizing the performance and longevity of the stain.

Step 3: Ensure Proper Drying Time
Allow the wood to dry for at least 48 hours after cleaning. Check the forecast and ensure temperatures are above 50°F, with no rain expected for a few days, to create optimal conditions for staining.

Remove any leaves or debris that may have collected while the wood was drying. Wear protective gear like rubber gloves and safety glasses while completing your wood staining project. Thoroughly mix the TWP 1500 Wood Preservative using a paint stick until it is well blended. Be sure there are no clumps at the bottom of the pail. If the TWP stain has been sitting for some time, a paint store can shake it up for you.

Use plastic to protect any windows, landscaping, concrete, or siding that you do not want to stain. Begin staining the higher areas first. On wood siding, gazebos, wood shakes, and playsets start at the top and stain your way down. On wood decks, it is best to start with the railings and save the deck floor for last.

TWP 1500 Series can be applied in several ways. Use a brush, stain pad, or pump sprayer to apply. With TWP 1500, the first coat is a saturation coat. It should soak in fairly quickly with the exception of new wood which may take longer. If the wood absorbs the first coat with no problem, a second coat of TWP 1500 Stain may be applied. The more stain that is absorbed the better. Apply a second “wet on wet” coat within 30 minutes of the first coat.

Be wary of over-application of the stain. If you see puddles or drips of excess stain that isn’t absorbing into the wood, wipe them away using a brush or stain rag. Do not stop staining in the middle of a board. Doing so can leave lap marks. Finish each board from end to end once you begin staining.

TWP 1500 Series Wood and Deck Preservative is the only wood preservative registered by the EPA. It is designed for all exterior wood surfaces. It has outstanding penetration properties and excellent UV resistance from wood graying. It has superb color retention and is not prone to cracking, peeling, or flaking. TWP 1500 Series will only fade in time and can simply be cleaned and reapplied as necessary for maintenance.


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11 months ago

Long shot, but is there a way to salvage leftover stain that has turned gelatinous in storage?

Mike Blackman
1 year ago

Have a good weather window for applying TWP 101 later this week; except for unusually cool Florida days. Forecast is for highs around 60 but lows down to about 41. Is this okay if I apply late morning/early afternoon? Shouldn’t drop below 50 until after sundown. Or should I hold off for warmer temps?

Thanks for this excellent forum, btw.

1 year ago

I’ve gotten about 97% of restoleum restore deck cover off my deck. (product is a disgrace!!!!) pro blem is if I try to get the little remaining paint I end up having to sand the whole board to blend it in but now I’m creating new looking boards that don’t match the old boards !! Will the stain blend the boards in or is going to look funny? Or is there any tricks to solve this problem? it’s only about 9 boards out of the whole deck. I was thinking about staining the 9 boards first with ( 2 coats) any letting them dry for a couple of hours an then doing the whole deck including those boards. Do u think that might get them to blend in better. Open for any suggestions. And going forward with finishing the sanding of the deck maybe I should not try to feather in the little spot I just made when I got another little piece of paint up an just leave the spot ? Because now that I’ve removed the spot or ghost of the spot the stain will b able to soak into that spot now an not just rest on top. I got some samples of the rustic 1516 TWP 1500 that we’er going to use this weekend and if u leave any paint or ghost of the paint the paint shows through. Help! Thanks Joe


1 year ago

I use restore kit and stained this deck with TWP 1500 in the spring and it looked very nice. I am now seeing some white spots appearing (see picture). What is this and how can I get rid of it?

Deck Picture.jpg
1 year ago

Would like to apply tomorrow a.m. to a prepped, mostly covered farmer’s porch, but see a 30% chance of late day showers. The area is small, so if a shower blows through I can lightly cover with a plastic tarp, wondering if I should hold off or stain, what do you recommend?

1 year ago

Is stripping of a previously stained (mostly worn off) deck required in order for the product to work?

1 year ago
Reply to  TWP Help

is stripping necessary if we used the same TWP stain for the previous coating?

1 year ago

Does the seal dry shkinny?

Darlene Taranowski
1 year ago

Is this available in any stores? In Tennessee

Ron Rowe
2 years ago

New cedar fence in California what 1500 series color would you recommend. We want a light color to bring out wood grain. we don’t want dark.

Mike Pyskaty
2 years ago

I have some 101 left over that was opened and then sealed 3 years ago, can I still use it? Also what is the minimum temperature that I can apply 101 stain?

Jeff Grover
2 years ago

I’m in central SC and have been pleased with the 100 series cedar product that I manually rolled on a wood dock in full sun a few years ago. This year I plan to apply the 1500 series for better UV protection. I have a Graco sprayer (with .015″ tip) and am considering a pressure roller attachment. Thoughts? Do I need a smaller tip for spraying? Is the stain too thin for a power roller?

2 years ago

I had my 30year old deck recoated yesterday with TWP 1520 and it looked great. Rain was not in the forecast but after only six hours it rained for two hours. What can I expect?

2 years ago

Does dew void the 48 hours needed for drying?

2 years ago

In applying TWP1500 you say “be sure the temperature is at least 50 degrees”. If temperature is forecasted to be 60+ during the day but 40 to 50 at night will that be a problem?

Rick mckee
2 years ago

What is the coverage for a gallon of TWP 1502 Redwood stain? I am staining a new redwood deck that is approximately 1000 square feet. How many gallons will be needed?

Peter Gilvarry
2 years ago

Earlier this year, I stripped Olympic Maximum clear sealant from my 7 year-old pressure treated deck and washed the deck with a quality cleaner and brightener in preparation for staining. Since I didn’t stain my deck 4-5 months ago as planned, I’d like to clean and brighten it again before applying your 1500 series stain. Is this plan okay or should I use a bleach and water solution instead as indicated in the 1500 stain preparation instructions for older decks?

2 years ago

Can twp 1515 honey tone be applied with a pressure sprayer

2 years ago

Hello, I applied TWP 1500 Series Dark Oak to my cedar deck 7 years back. The color today is still decent looking and the wood hasn’t faded…..very impressed. But, I would like to reapply this stain to make it look awesome again. What is the best way to prep this already stained wood. is a light pressure wash good (since there isn’t a whole lot of sun damage nor is it super dirty), let it dry and then apply 2 coats wet-on-wet? Or does the wood require a deep pressure wash to take off the entire coat of old stain? Please advise. Thank you very much.

2 years ago
Reply to  TWP Help

Sounds good. Thank you.

2 years ago

On my timber framed porch, I have rough-sawn columns, beams and railings. They are 6 years old, previously finished when it was built with a non-TWP semi-transparent penetrating oil stain. The areas that get the most exposure to the weather/sun/snow/rain have weathered, turning darker/gray. Any suggestions for how to proceed with re-staining them? Prep? Thanks!

2 years ago
Reply to  TWP Help

I’ve attached pics in .png format-they are a few years old, so the weathering/graying of the wood has gotten worse. Any suggestions for color? I don’t want to match the ceiling or door, prefer something darker/more brown and not orange, yet complementary to the door. Thanks for your help!

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PNG image.png
2 years ago
Reply to  TWP Help

It is Hallman Lindsay (brand) Timbershades Exterior Wood Stain-Semi Transparent Oil

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2 years ago
Reply to  TWP Help

Pic attached

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2 years ago

I hired a contractor who applied the 1530 natural last year to half of my log home, in 30 degrees Temps while snowing. he pressure washed the logs but did not use a log wash or brightner. he has disappeared and now all the unstained logs are gray, the stain is obviously very splotchy etc. what do I do? strip it all and start over?

2 years ago

I just media blasted some cedar wood garage doors to remove old finishes. Can The stain be apply immediately?

2 years ago

Applying 1500 stain in dark oak to cedar deck. What is minimum proper dry time before any chance of precipitation? Thank you

2 years ago
Reply to  TWP Help

Thank you for the help

2 years ago

I have a three year old mix of treated pine posts and cedar fencing. Carpenter bees are going after the posts. What stain would you recommend I use to prevent future damage. I live in the NC.

2 years ago

I have a Cedar deck that has been stained with Another stain company (Ready Seal). It has been stained 2 years ago. I’m looking for another brand as I’m not satisfied with that product. I’m looking to switch for TWP 1500 pecan. I live in canada.

Now for the prep work, I was thinking of using a cleaner, grinding the deck and applying the TWP stain after. Is grinding the wood necessary? Maybe a stain stripper is enough to remove the old stain? Thanks

Patti Williams
2 years ago

I just put on 2 gallons of stain on my deck and ran out. Bought it from Ace but can’t get another can until Wed. No one else sells it around me. Will that be ok? It sure looks spotty now. Can I apply a second coat when I get some in?

Robert Oley
2 years ago

I have been using TWP stain for many years and have been very happy with the product.
2 years ago I clean the deck and re-stained with the 1516 Rustic. In some spots, (deck floor) the stain took forever to completely dry and other area dark spots appeared.
So this year I want to stain the deck but I do not want to have the same problems I did last time, any suggestions on cleaning, preparing and staining it this time.
Thank you

2 years ago

The instructions after prepping day to wait 48 hours for the wood to dry. It has rained every other day since the prepping process was completed. So each time it rains do we wait 48 hours? Until we can stain? Thanks!

2 years ago

Hard to find window of time with no rain forecasted… thunderstorm season… it’s clean and ready… how long does it need to dry before rain? Anything we can do to protect it if rain happens?

2 years ago

Is it safe to apply TWP 1500 to the exterior of a raised vegetable garden bed? This bed is constructed with 6″x6″ cedar posts. I plan to use another type of sealer on the interior, so the TWP will not be in contact with the planting soil.

2 years ago
Reply to  TWP Help

Thank you so much for your quick response.

2 years ago

Now that my wood porch has been stained with twp 1500 (dark oak), do you recommend anything to coat it to make it shinier (eg. satin finish) without using urethane? What about linseed oil? If I use linseed oil, does that cause a problem with re-applying TWP 1500 in a couple of years? Thanks!

2 years ago
Reply to  TWP Help

Yeah, that’s what I have been reading as well. No worries, it looks beautiful as it is. I will just recoat every year or two to keep it looking great! Thanks!

2 years ago

I just finished my first coat of 1500 dark oak. It looks beautiful! I do not have time to do a second coat and be wet on wet. When can I apply the second coat since I missed the opportunity to do wet on wet? Thanks!

2 years ago

We have new porch Douglas Fir flooring. It is outdoors under a roof. It was stained with another product Australian Timber Oil, 1 coat and looks bad. What are steps to restrain using your product? We are in Upstate NY and have harsh winter.

2 years ago
Reply to  TWP Help

Here are some pictures

2 years ago

Cedar deck is a year old. It has been lightly power washed and lightly sanded. Do I still need to apply a cleaner before applying 1500 to my deck?

2 years ago

I did a maintenance coat of 1500 stain about 4 hours ago. I have a few shiny areas (not puddles). Should I wipe these areas down or wait to see if it dries more? Thanks…

2 years ago

I was going to caulk the board & batten siding of our house with a paintable caulk (Sashco’s Lexal) – after the proper surface prep – and then apply your 1500 stain. However, Sashco stated that they have had marginal results using their caulking with TWP stains – so they didn’t recommend their caulk. I have also read that caulking should fully cure for two weeks prior to applying stain.

1.) Can you recommend a brand of caulk that is compatible with your 1500 stain ?
2.) Can one apply your stain first & then caulk later, or must the caulk be applied first ?

Please advise.

Thank you !

Glenn M
2 years ago

We used TWP 1530 – Natural on a mahogany deck and it did a beautiful job, however we have some drips through the deckboards and stains on the Blue Stone patio below. What can be used to clean these spots on the stone?

Thomas Merlo
2 years ago

can TWP be applied to new wood?

Alexis Evans
2 years ago

Cana second coat of 1500 be applied if I used 100 the first coat?

2 years ago

I just bought the RAD kit and 1504 Black Walnut, can’t wait to refresh and protect my deck, just looking for a stretch of dry days. However, I just remembered that here in NC, The Great Pollening is now upon us. If I wait the required 48 hours between cleaning the wood and staining, it’ll be covered in yellow pollen. Can I just sweep it off, stain, and hope it dries fast enough before more pollen settles in (possibly a vain hope)? Or should I just wait until pollen season is over, but temps are higher?

Janet Terry
3 years ago

Is there a minimum temperature when I can stain my fence?

Dennis Pennline
3 years ago

Why did my cedar deck turn black less than a year after I stained with the 1500?

John Blizard
3 years ago

2 questions: I have been tasked with using your 1500 series stain to a new fence made of 100% clear s4s cedar.
1) the wood was dried in storage, is there any reason I can’t stain it right away, using proper techniques?
2) the application instructions do not list my usual fence staining application method of an airless sprayer, only pad brush or pump sprayer.
Is that not recommended? Any reasons why I can’t or should not use my usual airless sprayer to apply the 1500 series stain to a new fence?
Thank you!
John Blizard
Alexandria, VA

Susan Atwood
3 years ago

We have a small pressure treated deck that has TWP 1500 on it. Several boards that have water that stands on them after a rain have turned black. We plan to remove the boards and re-plane them to fresh wood. Then restain them but I want to avoid them turning black over the next year again. Any ideas on why this happens?

3 years ago

I have some 3y/o TWP stain that has been resealed after opening. Is it still okay to use after getting it remixed? Or just dispose of?

Aimee Renaud
3 years ago

I’m wanting to stain my deck. Previous owner used behr transparent oil wood finish Cedar Natural tone(double tinted)…. so what steps(power washing etc..)should I take and what type products do you suggest I need. I would like to use a darker stain.

Aimee Renaud
3 years ago
Reply to  TWP Help

Please let me know the steps/best process needed to re-stain deck. Thank you

3 years ago

I put one coat of TWP 1501 on my new cedar deck Oct. 2020. I’m wanting to put another coat of the same TWP 1501 do i need to do anything other than clean it or do i also need to use a brighter.

Wanda Philibert
3 years ago

I have moved recently to a 30 year old house in the woods in Vermont with a 2 story pine staircase that has never had any finish on it. I would like to clean, stain, preserve it but see that TWP is for exterior use. Do you make any products that can be used on an interior surface? I have used TWP on 2 outdoor decks/staircases. The house is rustic and the stairs are heavily used in all seasons.

Shaine Henert
3 years ago

Can TWP 1500 be applied to deck in direct sunlight when temps are warm – 80-90+?

Shaine Henert
3 years ago
Reply to  TWP Help

Ok thanks!

Odis E Rose
3 years ago

How long does it have to dry before rain?

Jerry L
3 years ago

I did a wet on wet second coat while applying the TWP 1500 stain today, but it looks like maybe I could benefit from a second coat tomorrow after the initial dry. Is this ok to do?

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