TWP 100 Pro Series Label Change

by TWP Help
TWP 100 Series versus TWP 100 Pro Series

Last Updated on January 30, 2023 by TWP Help

TWP 100 Series versus TWP 100 Pro Series

We are pleased to announce a brand new label for the TWP 100 Series! The TWP 100 Series will now be called the TWP 100 Pro Series! We have had some questions as to if there a difference between the two besides a label change.

TWP 100 Pro Series

  • Same Exact Colors!
  • Same 550 VOC Compliance!
  • Same Durability!
  • Same Price!
  • Newer Improved Label!
  • Newer Improved Mildewcide!
  • The TWP 100 Series is compatible with the new TWP 100 Pro Series for maintenance coats or intermixing!

TWP Pro Series

TWP 100 Series versus TWP 100 Pro Series

TWP 100 Series versus TWP 100 Pro Series

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4 months ago


What do you recommend for removing TWP 100 series dried stain spots from vinyl siding?

I tried paint thinner but that didn’t work.

Thank you.

4 months ago
Reply to  TWP Help

Thank you for your quick and helpful reply!

Dawn Lane
5 months ago

I live in Wisconsin and used the 100 series on my cedar deck a few years ago. I have cleaned, brightened, and power washed my deck several times, and there are still some gray looking boards. Can I go ahead and recoat the boards with the 100 series again?

6 months ago

Is the TWP 100 Pro series — Cedar tone — a solid color stain?

4 months ago
Reply to  TWP Help

Thank you. I appreciate your quick and helpful reply.

8 months ago

Hi. I just had my deck re-stained with twp 100. It was three years since the initial staining of the pressure treated deck boards so it needed it. The horizontal surfaces didn’t get as dark as the original application, and seemed to me that a second wet on wet application was in order. However, my contractor disagreed, said it would not absorb. So, question. When can I prep and do another coat? I have plenty of stain left.

9 months ago

We have used the TWP 100 Series for over 10years…with great results. Restraining every 2 yrs or so. This year we prepped and cleaned the deck for staining and didn’t notice we ordered the 1500 Series until ready to apply. Applied two coats (wet on wet). Woke up to an unforecasted rain storm that lasted all day. Complete mess! The stain never cured. Two weeks later still sticky, pits in the finish and able to scrap off. Going to have the deck sanded and stain. Do you recommend going back to the 100 Series?

9 months ago
Reply to  TWP Help

Michigan. Is the 100 Series oil or water based? Do you think the mess was due to applying the 2509 over the 100?

9 months ago
Reply to  TWP Help

Ooooh! Well now that we are having it sanded, can the stain be applied immediately following? And with the 1500 series is one coat sufficient or do you recommend 2?

9 months ago
Reply to  TWP Help

Thanks! Really appreciate your quick responses. The deck is approx 475 sq ft. So since we are starting from scratch, how many gallons do you think are necessary for 2 coats ?

9 months ago
Reply to  TWP Help

Thanks for your quick responses. The deck is approx 475 sq feet. How many gallons do we need to order for a two coat application?

9 months ago
Reply to  TWP Help

Darn auto correct. Meant:?*the 1500 over the 100 series’s

Laura Guerin
11 months ago

How much coverage (sq ft) for twp 100 stain and sealant please. I am staining a newer cedar fence.

Laura Guerin
11 months ago
Reply to  TWP Help

It is rough sawn cedar. Thank you

Laura Guerin
11 months ago
Reply to  TWP Help

Thank you ! 👏🏻

1 year ago

I have 2 questions:

This fall I cleaned(used your products) and stained about 25 feet of fence with Cedar Tone 101. About one-half of the fence I brushed and the other half used my airless sprayer. The side I brushed looks darker than the sprayed half. In the spring I want to spray the section again that is lighter. Do I need to re clean the fence and then top coat after that or can I power wash the fence and re-stain immediately after that?

Living in Minnesota if the stain freezes will this damage the stain viscosity in any way. Or should it not be in freezing weather?

1 year ago

My deck is in excess of 1000 sq feet. I’ve purchased 10 gals of TWP 100 as you recommended.
I don’t have a sprayer, I’m applying with a brush –
(“light” coat is a relative term, How can I tell I’ve achieved the proper “lightness”).
How many gallons should I use for the “Light” coat ?

1 year ago
Reply to  TWP Help

The deck is about 10 years old, Cedar wood. It’s been stript & brightened.
So I’m to use most of the 10 gals on the FIRST coat ( ~ 7 gals) ?

1 year ago
Reply to  TWP Help

Good thing I asked. 2/3 thirds of my total 10 gallons is NOT LIGHT by any stretch of my imagination. I’ll be left with about 3-3 1/2 gallons to put second coat on 1000+ square feet …..
I made a terrible choice in TWP 100 WET ON WET STAIN. Too big an area to struggle with wet on wet within 15 minutes.
If and when I re-apply with TWP PRO can I just (no stripper) wash, brighten and apply TWP PRO single coat ?

Darren Figart
1 year ago

I put one coat of 200 twp on an old fence. I want more color to hide the old gray wood. Can I put the semi-solid pro series twp over top the first coat of 200 twp?

1 year ago

How long is twp stain good in a unopened 5 gallon can ?

1 year ago

We have an older cedar deck we’re preparing for TWP stain. A few boards and need to be replaced. Is there any way to prepare the new wood to take a stain (other than wait 6months)?

1 year ago

We put TWP 100 series stain on our new pine deck six years ago. We are about to clean the deck with the Gemini Restore a Deck kit and are are wondering if we can use the TWP Semi-Solid Pro Series on the deck afterwards since the UV protection is better? We would choose a comparable color or a slightly darker color.

Cathy Hink
2 years ago

In July 2020 my cedar deck was stripped, brightened and stained with TWP 101 Cedartone.

Now July 2022, I bought Gemini Kit to clean/brighten, and was planning to stain but there are areas of peeling and bare spots. Wondering if I should strip/brighten apply instead? (staying with TWP 101).

Suggestions? (pictures attached) – the lighter picture is one deck that has been cleaned already (30 second deck cleaner), I stopped after seeing areas of peeling and bare spots.

Thanks is advance.

2 years ago
Reply to  TWP Help

Thanks, can I exchange the two Gemini Kits (clean/brightener) for RAD? I have not used any of the Gemini product.

If I choose to not strip and just clean/brighten should I be concerned with peeled areas?

2 years ago
Reply to  TWP Help

You have been very helpful one more question:
If I choose RAD Strip/Brightener route do I need the additives (Booster and Thickener)?

2 years ago

Realistically, how much time can elapse after I strip, neutralize/brighten my deck until I apply the 1500 stain ? That prep process makes such a mess & wets so much of my deck surface that I want to do all of the prep work first & then, once it is dry enough, start to apply the stain. My deck is very large, I can only work on weekends, and we can’t seem to go too many days without rain around here. Therefore, I figured I would stain what I can, when I can, and eventually I will complete the job. This approach will not work if you tell me that I only have (let’s say) 48 hours after the brightener to apply the stain. How long do I really have ?

Please let me know.

Thank you !

2 years ago
Reply to  TWP Help

For best results – yes, but realistically, would the life of the stain be greatly affected ? Would there really be a significant difference in the appearance ?

2 years ago

We are going to use your stain on our wooden siding (board & batten), and we wanted to caulk the gaps between the boards & batten pieces.

1.) Should we caulk first or apply the TWP stain first ?
2.) What type of caulking should we use ? (Latex, etc.) I heard that some types of caulking will not adhere well to your stain.
Please advise.

Thanks !

2 years ago
Reply to  TWP Help

Thank you.

3 years ago

I just fixed my back deck replacing the redwood and started staining yesterda. It rained last night. How long should I wait before restarting? Thanks. I have been using this stain for 10 years and its great.

Robert Wehmeyer
3 years ago

I used TWP 120 pecan on my new pressure treated pine deck and so far am really happy with the results and color. The water beads up well on it. The stain / sealer has been on a little over 4 1/2 months. Do you make a clear that could be put on over this if I see a need to do some touch up as time goes on? I like the color it is but would prefer touching it up without making it darker.
Thanks for your time. RCW

Tina Anglin
3 years ago

We have used TWP100 (101 cedartone) series for the life of our 20 year old deck and stairs. The contractor who heavily pressure washed the deck late fall advised us that the product had been reformulated and he felt applying the new formulation would achieve cloudy results, and is hesitant to proceed. There have been probably 8-9 applications of the product on this deck/stairs. Our goal at this point is protection, not absolute perfection. Advice?

Tina Anglin
3 years ago
Reply to  TWP Help

Thank you for the quick response, greatly appreciated!

Hildegard Spencer
3 years ago

Is 1501 as durable as 101 oil base semitransparent?

Hilda Spencer
3 years ago

What is the difference between oil base semitrsnsparent cedartone 101 and Total wood preservative 1501 Cedartone?

Hilda Spencer
3 years ago
Reply to  TWP Help

Is it the same product?

Gail Cammarata
4 years ago

Hello, I’d like to use TWP 100 Semi Solid stain in dark brown for the exterior CEDAR trim on my house. There’s a semi solid (or maybe semi-transparent) stain in dark brown on the trim right now, but I’m not sure of the type (oil or water-based) or brand. Does it matter?

Also, there’s peeling in certain areas. What’s the best way to prep for TWP semi solid exterior stain on peeled wood? I’d like to avoid pressure washing if possible.

Lastly, some of the trim will be new CEDAR, some of the which (just below the roof) will be covered with a dark brown drip edge. What’s the best way to protect this new wood before the metal drip edge covers it? I’ve read that you recommend waiting 4-12 months to apply the stain. Should I wait that long before installing the drip edge?

Thanks so much for your help!


Gail C

Gail C
4 years ago
Reply to  TWP Help

Thank You!

4 years ago

We weren’t able to re-stain our deck this summer. Now it’s fall and while the days can get up to mid-60’s, the nights fall below freezing and there is frost on the deck each morning. Is it still possible to stain the deck if we put it on in the mid-morning after the frost is gone?

K C Guy
4 years ago

I have a 30 year old log cabin. We never wanted to stain it. We have used oil based Sealers of it many times. Your products have come to my attention and are well recommended. Do you make a clear sealer couldn’t find one on your web site?

4 years ago

We replaced our deck last fall and need to seal the new wood. We made the mistake of staining the previous wood Deck with products that kept peeling off so we just went darker every few years. A friend in another state used Clear TWP and we are interested, but wondered if we did the clear the first time what we would have to do To prep it if we decided we wanted to stain it the next time. The deck is on the north side of our home in Iowa so the winters are hard on it.

4 years ago
Reply to  TWP Help

If we go with a color stain do we need to also strip it off each time if we are recoating with the same color?

Lindsay Smith
4 years ago

We applied 120 pro series in pecan to our clean, sanded deck. It wasn’t supposed to rain and then surprise, it did after about 6 hours after application. I’m annoyed by these splotch sections. Can I apply another coat on top of this one or do I need to start all over?

Bill Johnston
4 years ago

Is TWP sold in Canada and if not where in Northern NY can I buy it ; You state that a sprayer can be used; does that mean an electric sprayer and lastly what is your preferred method of applying this to a deck and railings.

Thanks Bill Johnston

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